Terms and conditions


Following years of violations of ceasefire and intimidation against Armenian civilians, Azeri military forces used massive force in September 2020 to invade and occupy two-thirds of Nagorno-Karabakh. In September 2023, Azeri military forces took over the remaining territory, contradicting previously agreed-to negotiations and statements (OSCE peace negotiations, trilateral statements 2020,2021).

As a result, there was a mass exodus of hundreds of thousands of Armenians from the capital city (Stepanakert), during which the Azeri government arrested eight former members of the Republic’s government and advocates for the self-determination of Artsakh. Those detained include Ruben Vardanyan, an Armenian businessman and philanthropist who served as the State Minister of the Artsakh government.

This Platform is designed for providing latest news and updates concerning the above-mentioned situation, as well as for those, who want to make actions towards Ruben Vardanyan’s release alongside the other Armenians being held in Baku, Azerbaijan by taking actions, which include: 1) signing a petition, 2) writing to Ruben Vardanyan, 3) writing to President Aliyev or 4) writing to the relevant ambassador.

The information on this Website is for information purposes only and does not constitute or form a part of any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or the solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, securities. The information on this Website is general in nature and does not in any way constitute investment, tax, legal or other advice.


1. Provider of this Website / platform

This Website is provided by Ruben Vardanyan Charitable Foundation.You can contact us by email inquiries@rubenvardanyan.foundation.

2. Application of these Terms of Use

These terms of use with our privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”), apply to any use of the Website. Users of the Website may use the Website only on condition that they accept the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. Any further use of the Website or any part of it means you have read and understood the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by all parts of the Terms of Use.

The information on this Website does not constitute an offer binding to us.

3. Warranty and limits of liability

Users do not have a tool to post information on the Website, change posted articles or add new ones. All information on the Website is posted by the provider. Therefore, the latter guarantees the authenticity of the information and the reliability of the receiving sources.

You must not try to gain unauthorized access to the Website, our services, the servers on which they’re stored, or any server, computer or database connected to them. You must not attack the Website or services hosted on it in any way, (this includes denial-of-service attacks). We’ll report any attacks or attempts to gain unauthorized access to the site or service to the relevant law enforcement authorities and shall share information about you with them.

You must not use the Website:

(a) to transmit any false, misleading, fraudulent, defamatory, offensive or illegal communications;

(b) in a way that could damage, disable, overburden, impair or compromise our systems or security or interfere with other users;

(c) in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose, or in any manner inconsistent with these terms of use, or act fraudulently or maliciously, for example, by hacking into or inserting malicious code, such as viruses or harmful data.

4. Intellectual property rights

This Website is and remains protected by copyright and/or any other intellectual property rights. You are not acquiring any rights of the Provider, and in any names, trade names published on the Website. You may access and view the Website, but not incorporate it into other websites, and not copy, present, license, publish, download, upload, send or make it perceptible in any other way then mentioned in this Terms and Conditions.

If you copy and reuse the Website Content but do not make any changes or adaptions, include information clearly notifying users of the date when the Website Content was copied from the Website and explicitly refer to the Website.

The following is a (non-exhaustive) list of examples of changes to content that constitute adaptations:

  • Any change to wording that serves to change its meaning or impact.
  • Taking wording out of a context that is important to its meaning.
  • Translation into another language.

We recommend you refresh your copy of the Website Content every 24 hours to ensure you have the most up-to-date version.

You must not use the Website Content for or in association with i) any purpose; or ii) a site or service; which is illegal, derogatory or otherwise objectionable.

5. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The law of the Republic of Armenia shall apply. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Yerevan․ The legally binding places of jurisdiction remain unaffected by this.

6. Registration

Most of the functions on this Website doesn’t require any registration by the User. You need to fill your data while taking actions, which within the framework of this Website includes: 1) signing the petition, 2) writing to Ruben, 3) writing to president Aliyev, 4) writing to your Ambassador in Baku. Taking actions implies the approval of the General Terms and Conditions by the User.

7. Payments on Website

There is no payment for using the Website or taking actions in Website.

8. Duties and obligations of the User

 8.1 The User shall keep the registration data secret and not allow third parties access to Website using his/her registration data.

 8.2 The User shall exempt the Provider from third-party claims based on his/her use of the Website, unless they are the fault of The Provider.

9. Availability and warranty

 9.1 There is no claim for availability, quality or service features, or technical support for the Website. The Provider can redesign, reduce or suspend their online portal at any time, at its discretion.

 9.2 The Provider makes no guarantee or warranty for the accuracy or completeness of data provided by third parties (such as other Users).

10. Evaluation function of The Website

 10.1 Users are fully responsible for the User content they provide. They ensure that the content is correct and guarantee that the content does not contain any misleading or illegal statements or details. Furthermore, the Users guarantee that the content does not violate third-party rights. Under no circumstance and in no way does The Provider make User content its own.

 10.2 The Provider can use the User content in various ways. This includes displaying it on the website, reformatting, editing for more clarity or better grammar, incorporation into adverts or other work.

 10.3 The Provider can remove or report User content where necessary and at its own discretion. For example, The Provider can remove User content if it violates the principles for content, in the opinion of The Provider.

11. Data protection

 11.1 The Provider collects and uses personal data of Users to the extent that is necessary for the creation, design of content or modification of the conditions.

 11.2 The Provider collects and uses personal data by The Cookie Policy. Accepting the terms and conditions, you accept the Cookie Policy as well.

 11.3 If you put someone’s details in without the right to act on their behalf or their consent, you will be breaching the terms of use for this service and may be committing a criminal offence.

12. Changes to these General Terms and Conditions

 12.1 The Provider reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions at any time and for any reasons. The Provider will only make changes affecting the User, which the User must agree to in consideration of mutual interests. In all cases, when the General Terms and Conditions are changed by the Provider, at the time of access, the User will be notified about it on the website, giving his consent.

 12.2 These Terms and Conditions can be amended at any time and without notice. You will be legally bound by the updated or amended terms from the first time that you use the Website after we publish the changes on it.

13. Other provisions

 13.1 These General Terms and Conditions represent the whole agreement between The Provider and the User. No additional agreements exist.

If provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the rest of the provisions.