Armenian Churches’ Appeal to Christians Around the World

Armenian Churches’ Appeal to Christians Around the World

The united representatives of all Armenian churches worldwide have issued an urgent appeal to Christians around the world, calling for the immediate and unconditional release of the Armenian prisoners of war and civilians held in Azerbaijan.

The call for the immediate release of all Armenian prisoners of war and detained civilians reflects a deep commitment to Christian values and human dignity, underscoring the urgent need for peace and reconciliation. It highlights the importance of ending violence and inhumane treatment, promoting respect for the inherent dignity of all people, regardless of nationality. The path to lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan can only be realized when humanitarian concerns — such as the return of all prisoners of war and other detained civilians — are addressed. 

Below is their letter, signed by one hundred clergy members:


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We, the united representatives of all Armenian Churches around the world stand together in the most urgent and heartfelt plea for the immediate and unconditional release of all Armenian prisoners of war and detained civilians currently held in Azerbaijan.

This is not just a call for the release of innocent lives; it is a cry for justice, dignity, and the restoration of humanity. These individuals, taken in the course of conflict, have been subjected to unimaginable suffering, and their continued detention is a violation of every principle of human decency and Christian compassion. In the name of our shared faith, we can no longer remain silent. The time for action is now.

The inhumane treatment of these prisoners goes against the very essence of our faith. The violence, the suffering, the torment they endure must end. The world cannot stand by while innocent people are held captive, deprived of their dignity and their basic human rights. The gravity of this situation is of the utmost importance, as the health of Ruben Vardanyan, former Artsakh State Minister, is rapidly deteriorating. Ruben is currently on an ongoing hunger strike in protest of the theatrical “court” proceedings by Azerbaijani authorities. Every single day increasingly critical and accountable.

We cannot and will not accept a future where such inhumanity is allowed to persist. All peoples of the region—whether Armenian, Azerbaijani, or any other deserve peace. Peace built on the foundation of justice. Peace where the dignity of every person is safeguarded, where the chains of suffering are broken, and where every soul is allowed to live in freedom.

We, the Armenian Churches across the world, demand the immediate return of all prisoners of war and detained civilians to their families. This is not merely a humanitarian necessity – it is a moral imperative. The release of Armenian prisoners can be the beginning of a new chapter, one where healing replaces hatred, where understanding overcomes division, and where peace is not just a dream, but a reality.

We urge governments, international organizations and all people of good will to condemn this show trial as political and illegitimate, and to pressure the authorities involved to return these innocent lives to their rightful homes. Do not turn away from the suffering of others. Stand with us. Stand for justice. Stand for peace.

May the light of truth, compassion, and justice guide all of us toward a world where no one is left in chains, where every human life is valued, and where peace is more than just a word – it is a living, breathing reality for all.

In unwavering solidarity and faith,  

The list is arranged in alphabetical order
1Rev. FatherSargisAbrahamianMember of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia
2Rev. FatherSamuelAjamianPastor, All Saints’ Armenian Apostolic Church, Glenview, IL
3Archpriest Fr.SarkisAktavoukianPastor, Soorp Khatch Armenian Apostolic Church, Bethesda, MD
4Proto-ArchimandriteGusanAlchanyanLocum Tenens, St. Jacob Church, Geneva, Switzerland
5ArchbishopNaregAlemezianDr. Armenian Apostolic Church (Holy See of Cilicia) Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia (Antelias, Lebanon)
6Very Rev. Fr.ArdagArabianPastor, Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, Worcester, MA
7V. Rev. FatherDajadAshekianChancellor of the Catholicosate of Cilicia
8PastorKeriAshekianVisiting Clergy, St. Stepanos Armenian Apostolic Church, Windsor, Ontario
9BishopKévorkAssadourianPatriarchal Exarch of Damascus of the Armenians (Syria)
10Reverent fr.VrtanesBabakhanianSt. Targmanchats Church, Tehran
11BishopKoryunBaghdasaryanDirector of the Real Estate Department of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem
12Very Rev. Fr.VacheBalekjianPastor, Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church, Ridgefield, NJ
13Rev. FatherStephanBaljianPastor, St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church of Merrimack Valley, North Andover, MA
14V. Rev. FatherHovagimBanjarjianDirector of the Information Department of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia
15ArchbishopKhajagBarsamianPontifical Legate of Western Europe and Representative of the Armenian Church to the Holy See
16BishopNaregBerberianPrimate of the Armenian Diocese of Brazil
17FatherSamvelMkhitarianAbbot of Hagartsin Monastery, Chairman of the Administrative Council of Tavush Diocese
18Rev. FatherOshinChualertanianGrand Sacristan of the Mother Cathedral of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia
19Rev. Father.MikaelDer KosrofianPastor, St. Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church, Whitinsville, MA
20ArchbishopHovnanDerderianPrimate of the Western Diocese of the US
21AbbotAzatFilikianSupervisor of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia’s Seminary
22Rev. FatherSipanGrigoryanDirector of General Department Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Armenia
23ArchimandriteOshaganGulgulianPrimate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Iraq
24Rev. FatherHagopGyadayanPastor, St. Kevork Armenian Apostolic Church, Laval des Rapides, Quebec
25BishopDatevHagopianPrimate of the Armenian Diocese of Romania and Bulgaria
26Rev. FatherKhatchatourHaroutounianSt. Targmanchats Church, Tehran
27BishopAbgarHovakimyanPrimate of the Armenian Diocese of Canada
28SubdeaconEdvisHovnanianSt. Grigor Lousavorich Church, Tehran
29Rev. FatherKarnikHovsepianQamishly Syria; St. Joseph Armenian Catholic Church
30BishopSerovpeIsakhanyanPrimate of the Armenian Diocese of Germany
31FatherSeropJamourlianMekhitsarist monk
32AbbotArakelKadehjianMember of the Brotherhood of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia
33V. Rev. FatherKevorkKarageozianSupervisor of the Seminary of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia
34Rev. FatherArtak A.KeheayanSpiritual Pastor of St. Vartanants Church, Kuwait
35Rev. FatherGaroKelendjianArmenian Catholic Church of Zmmar, Lebanon
36Rev. FatherHagobKeshishianSt. Mariam Church, Tehran
37FatherHamazaspKeshishianMonk of the Mekhitarist Congregation and Rector of the Mekhitarist Seminary
38Rev.FatherHrantKevorkianPastor, St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church, Dearborn, MI
39Rev. FatherMashtotsKhachatourianSt. Vartanants Church, Tehran
40SubdeaconessLiodaKhosrovianSt. Sarkis Cathedral, Tehran
41Rev. FatherSahakKhosrovianSt. Sarkis Cathedral, Tehran
42Rev. FatherSarkisKhosrovianSt. Targmanchats Church, Tehran
43V. Rev. FatherEliasKiredjianSaint Gregory the Illuminator, Toronto
44Right Rev. FatherKeghartKosbakianSpiritual Dean, St. Nishan Armenian Apostolic Church, Cambridge, Ontario
45Rev. FatherVahanKouyoumdjianVisiting Pastor, Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Church, Troy, NY
46Reverend FatherAntranigKyurumianDirector of the Birds’ Nest Orphanage;  the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia
47Rev. FatherMesrobLakissianPastor, St. Illuminator’s Armenian Apostolic Cathedral, New York, NY
48Rev. FatherNaregLouissianArmenian Catholic Church of Zmmar, Lebanon
49Rev.  FatherTanielManjikianPastor, St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church, Granite City, IL
50BishopPetrosManouelianPontifical Vicar of the Armenian Diocese of Kuwait and the Surrounding Region
51Rev. FatherNshanManougianPastor, St. Nishan Armenian Apostolic Church, Cambridge, Ontario
52BishopHovakimManukyanPrimate of Great Britain and Ireland
53DeaconessA.ChristyManvelianSt. Sarkis Cathedral, Tehran
54SubdeaconessAnageMargarianSt. Targmanchats Church, Tehran
55ArchpriestDatevMikaelianPastor, St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church, Willowdale, Ontario
56ArchbishopVazgenMirzakhanyan,Director of the Department of Ecclesiastical Conceptual Issues of the Mother See
57BishopAshotMnatsakanianPrimate of the Armenian Diocese of Egypt
58BishopMikaelMouradianArmenian Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg in the US and Canada
59SubdeaconArmondMovsesianSt. Targmanchats Church, Tehran
60Patriarchal ExarchNaregNaamoyanJerusalem and Amman of the Armenians (Jordan) and Priest of Kameshli of the Armenians (Syria)
61V. Rev. FatherZavenNajarianDirector of the “Khoren Ayp Center” of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia
62BishopArmashNalbandianPrimate of the Armenian Diocese of Damascus
63BishopVartanNavasardyanPrimate of the Armenian Diocese of the Baltic States and Sweden
64Rev.FatherKaprielNazarianPastor, Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church, Providence, RI
65Rev. FatherGourgenNersessianSt. Grigor Lousavorich Church, Tehran
66Rev. Father.GrigorisNersessianSt. Grigor Lousavorich Church, Tehran
67FatherVahanOhanyanMekhitsarist monk
68ArchbishopShahePanosianPrimate of the Armenian Diocese of Lebanon
69Dr.MichaelPapazianProfessor of Religion and Philosophy, Berry College, Georgia, USA
70V. Rev. FatherStepanosPashayanDirector of the Christian Education Department of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia
71SubdeaconessLalaPetrosianSt. Grigor Lousavorich Church, Tehran
72BishopTiranPetrosyanPontifical Legate of Central Europe and Sweden
73Rev. FatherDikranPhilibbosArmenian Catholic Church of Zmmar, Lebanon
74Rev. Father.MesrobRatevosianSt. Grigor Lousavorich Church, Tehran
75Archpriest Fr.ZarehSahakianVisiting Pastor, St. Hagop Armenian Apostolic Church, Racine, WI
76Subdeacon fr.ToniSalatinianSt. Vartanants Church, Tehran
77ArchbishopSebouhSarkissianPrelate of the Armenian Diocese of Tehran
78ArchbishopShahanSarkissianDirector of the Cilicia Library and the Ancient Manuscript Department at the Catholicosate
79FatherKevorkSarkisyanMekhitsarist monk
80Rev. FatherYezekelSelumianMonk of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia
81DeaconArtinShahbazianSt. Grigor Lousavorich Church, Tehran
82BishopArenShahinianPrimate of the Armenian Diocese of Argentina, St Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral
83Rev. FatherAristagesShahmirianSt. Sarkis Cathedral, Tehran
84Rev. FatherSahakShakaryanTatev Monastery,  Armenia
85Rev. FatherArdavaztSharoyanCurator of the Cilicia Museum of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia
86Right Rev. FatherKarekinShekherdemianSpiritual Dean, St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church, Willowdale, Ontario
87V. Rev. Fr.BarouyrShernezianDean of the Armenian Theological Seminary of the Catholicosate of the Great See of Cilicia
88Archpriest Fr.BedrosShetilianPastor, St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church, Indian Orchard, MA
89Rev.FatherShavarshSimonyanTavush Diocese, Dilijan, Armenia
90Archpriest Fr.AramStepanianPastor Emeritus, St. Stephen’s Armenian Apostolic Church, New Britain, CT
91Archpriest Fr.DaronStepanianPastor, St. Paul Armenian Apostolic Church, Waukegan, IL, Visiting Pastor, St. Hagop Armenian Apostolic Church, Niagara Falls, NY
92V. Rev. FatherHrantTahanianPastor, St. Stephen’s Armenian Apostolic Church, Watertown, MA
93ArchbishopAnoushavanTanielianPrelate of Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
94ArchbishopPapkenTcharianSt. Kevork Armenian Apostolic Church, Laval des Rapides, Quebec
95V. Rev. FatherAvedikTer KarapetianSupervisor of the Seminary of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia
96Archpriest Fr.NaregTerterianPastor, St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church, Douglaston, NY
97V. Rev. Fr.BoghosTinkjianPastor, St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church, Philadelphia, PA
98PastorSebouhTokadjianVisiting Clergy, St. Paul Armenian Apostolic Church, Ontario L2S 2X9
99V. Rev. FatherMachtozZahterianPatriarchal Assistant for the Armenian Catholic Parish in Budapest, Hungary
100BishopTheodorosZakaryanChairman of the Executive Council of the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem