
Azerbaijan’s claims

In December 2022, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry demanded that Ruben Vardanyan leave Nagorno-Karabakh. Vardanyan responded to the “full-fledged humanitarian crisis” saying:

“I have been coming to Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) for 20 years. I’ve launched several projects here, arranged the restoration of a mosque in Shusha. I have Artsakh roots, my grandmother was born here. I have a house, and don’t really understand why I have to leave. I have always worked so that the people of Artsakh and the Republic of Azerbaijan could live side by side but not together. This is the only way to avoid conflict.”

In February 2023, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated that Vardanyan’s departure from the region was a prerequisite for initiating dialogue with the Armenian community of Artsakh. Vardanyan was then dismissed from his post and the prosecutor general of the republic, Gurgen Nersisyan, was appointed in his place.

Despite this, Ruben refused to travel from the region and leave its Armenian residents to their fate.
